lunes, julio 10, 2006


"Cuando Yo CAMBIO..., el Mundo CAMBIA".

Esta es la filosofía de Brahma Kumaris, una asociación que trabaja para el cambio positivo en todas las áreas de la sociedad. LLevan a cabo una variedad de programas educativos para el fortalecimiento de los valores humanos y espirituales.
Allí hize hace un par de meses un curso de "Pensamiento positivo y Meditación". Y allí también encontré las tarjetas de "El camino del Maestro". Hay muchísimas y todas ellas contienen un concepto, virtud o cualidad que debemos potenciar. Son como un recordatorio de lo que somos o podríamos llegar a ser. Son, en definitiva, una manera de recordarnos que podemos ser MEJORES PERSONAS.

Esta es la primera que he cogido, totalmente al azar. Lo curioso es que siempre que he leido una ha sido para mí como ver la luz, como descubrir que en realidad estoy en sintonía con lo que "me enseñan". Y eso, sólo significa una cosa:

Espero que a vosotros también os sirvan:

Me deshago de las defensas del ego, y dejo atrás mis temores. Como maestro, estoy tan cerca de mi ser que puedo ser sincero conmigo mismo. Y ya no temo ser vulnerable porque nada tengo que perder.

miércoles, julio 05, 2006

The superficial miss her girl.

Dear Jess:
I'm listening to John Legends's "Ordinary People", drinking the "rosado" wine you left and smoking non.stop. I've been thinking about you all day long.
This morning i was like:
"-It's 9: she has to be on the plane, sleeping and recovering from her hangover. At 2: Maybe she's landed in new york already and she's calling her mom and buying rag magazines and looking for a place to smoke. At 4: ok, she's getting a beer in an airport bar... hehe, i can see the situation: barman asks her for the ID. She thinks of Spain, where she can buy beers anywhere without having to show it, but she proudly shows the guy her passport: 21, SEE?? 21!!!"

I'm not even sure you're gonna read this, but here it goes: I GOT YOUR LETTER. And let me say it is the MOST BEAUTIFUL letter i have ever got in my entire life. Goddddd, you made me CRY! I WAS SITTING IN MY BED, DRINKING A GLASS OF WINE AND SMOKING AND SOBBING AND THINKING: THANK YOU. Just THANK YOU: for your kind words, for knowing me so well, for loving me this way, for being my friend.

You know i'm gonna miss you too, for all the things and moments we shared and just for having you around. Even though we've seen each other "outdoors" just a few times (that sucked, i have to say), i'm gonna miss knowing that you are in town and that you might be at home when i enter the house. But it's ok because i'm leaving too, and i know it'd be even more difficult for me to move if you were still here.

Don't let those spoiled, superficial, rich O.C. girls twist the inner beauty you have. Cause you're beautiful, Bridget, in and out.

Don't let them private the world from your unique, funny, smart, hipster, deep, and dirty personality. I want you to always be those things, cause that's who you are, no matter the clothes or make up you put on, no matter how many times you comb your hair in a day. You know what i'm talking about, do you?

Thanks for the books, the earrings and oh! the yellow dress you've left. I'm gonna wear it all the time, ha!
I'll see you in Cali, i promise. I'm gonna be soon knocking your door wearing your yellow dress, with a pack of voll-damms in my hands, and MJ by my side holding a tuna sandwich saying hi with her rough accent and smiling behind her red glasses. And yes, Elba is coming too, without Queen: cause dumb is funny, and funny is dumb, too.

Miss you.
And love you.